SOS! Suddenly have a high-end turntable, need to upgrade Amp + Speakers

Hey everyone!

Ran into some luck recently and was able to score the following for MUCH lower than it would have gone for usually:

  • Turntable: Luxman PD-151 Mark II

  • Cartridge: Hana ML (MC-LO) Cartridge

  • Phono Pre-Amp: Cambridge Alva Duo

I need help figuring out which Passive Bookshelf Speakers and Amplifier would work best with the rest of my system! My budget is maximum $1000-$1500 give or take. What Amplifier + Speaker combo works best with my system without undermining the rest of the components?

The room the setup is in is a rectangular sitting area however it's open to the rest of the house. I wish I could go to a dealer and do listening tests but unfortunately, we don't have any in my country.

P.S: I saw the reviews on the Topping Amps over at ASR and they seemed extraordinary at first only to check reddit and find that people are kind of conflicted by those amps. What do you guys think?

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Since you don't need a phono stage, a used Cambridge Audio CXA 61 or CXA 81 amp. For speakers, a used set of Monitor Audio Silver 50's or 100's. The MA Silver 100's have 8" bass drivers and may negate the need for a sub, in a small listening space. I have a pair of Revel Concerta2 M-16's which used would be in your price range. They are a good match with the Cambridge amp, but may be a bit shy of low frequencies, without a sub.

Speaker options you may consider...

Erin's #1 choice on this list are the  Kali Audio IN-8 v2, which are powered monitors so they would be eliminate the need for an amp - could be a great option for you - as long as you have your phono preamp in place.

Fun stuff- happy hunting!


I will make a very "unbalanced" suggestion that in the end might shock you in performance.

The Fosi amp mentioned in another thread is a steal. You can even upgrade the power supply if your speakers need more power.

If you go with this approach you will have almost all of your budget to devote to speakers.

Speakers are hard to suggest as I do not know your preferences but one kit that would be guaranteed to please would be the Dayton Solstice designed by the late Jeff Bagby.

I thinks that combo would be hard to beat! Also, the Fosi enjoys 4 ohm loads so the match of these two pieces should be very good indeed.