Recordable CD/DVDs are vanishing too


That’s not good. I like to burn copies of my cds for listening in my car. Also, I burn albums from HD Tracks for listening on my stereo using my Oppo.

I hardly use cd-rs anymore.  I imagine that a lot of people don't use as many as they used to. They'll probably be available longer than we'll need them.  When I did a check on Amazon for cd-rs, I noticed that Maxell is still making and selling cassette tapes.  I don't think it's anything to worry about.

I was at my medical practice the other day and noted that each of the reception stations had a sleeve of 50 CDs next to each of them. I asked what that was about and they said when people need their medical records or copies of x-rays or things that’s the only way they provide them is on a burned CD. They said they go through those sleeves in a week (and there were six stations in that medical practice alone). That’s just one medical practice among thousands so if they all do that it would certainly keep some factory busy producing blank discs. 


  Brings back bad memories.  I retired a few months ago from being a Primary Care Physician.  People would always bring their studies done elsewhere on CDs to review.  I had sold my Practice 10 years ago and was working for a corporation that supplied us with computers without disc drives.  I then would take it home and have to try to open on my MacBook which would freeze more often than not due to software incompatibility, and eventually it was pointed out to me that I shouldn’t be removing patient information from the office.

  I suspect that in the future people will be asked to pay for a small usb flash drive and the studies will be downloaded accordingly