Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier

I have a new Accuphase P-4600 amplifier and am looking for a power cord to replace the stock. So far I’ve tried the Cullen Crossfire and the IceAge OFC Frankencable. While both cables have worked well on my source components they have not performed better than the stock on the amplifier. So to those who have Accuphase amplifiers what power cable has worked for you?

As I mentioned in other threads Accuphase strongly recommends that you use only the stock cord and so far that has been the best. The. other two have resulted in a darker sound with less soundscape openness. 

I’ve been trying to stay under $500 for the cord but would be willing to go a little higher if it improves the amps performance. 



Yes the rest of my system is on a similar level

Aurender N20

MSB Discrete DAC

After my amp is fully burned in I do plan to use the Cable Company lending library to try several cords   They are about an hour from me  




try any cord that is OCC single crystal It's far superior to anything OFC at any price companies like harmonic technology, acoustic Zen, Neotech.

@zuesman +1. I am working towards and all OCC loom, currently a mix of Wireworld and Acoustic Zen. Geometry matters too of course, but it makes sense to me that OCC could make a real difference. My experience has been very positive so far, though mostly in the speaker and interconnect space. 



DM @jfrmusic and ship those AE Cords if he is up for it. They are not doing any good sitting in your garage. BTW, I had no trouble reselling my AE power cords on USAM at 40% off retail. 


if you have the money the NEOTech rectangular OCC is even better than the round if you go on the NeoTech site just look up rectangular cable they have two the Amazon which is the silver rectangular OCC which is crazy expensive and the Sahara which is the copper rectangular OCC wire I upgraded my whole loom to the rectangular OCC and what a difference, but if you really want to hear the biggest difference put your speakers on Townshend podiums they stop the vibration from going back into the speaker and the improvement was mind-blowing Best upgrade I've ever done.