See you all after the elections

Regardless of what political messages are being spread around here it’s unfortunately true that the level of courtesy and how we talk with those we disagree with reaches a fever pitch before elections in the United States.

Too many talking heads in the mass media are modelling too much poor behavior and loathing of "others" and it’s filtering into this place which I like to hang out with for fun and to help others. What should be plain technical discussions are being infused with personal acrimony. If I wanted that for fun I’d work in a call center.

I’m taking a break from the A’gon for a while. I can’t say the toxicity it’s not affecting me either. This place is just not worth the anger and frustration it is causing of late and I certainly don’t want to learn how to behave by modelling that myself. Hopefully when I come back in 2025 Americans will again be relating to other Americans in ways that don’t involve criminalization or demonization and this place will be nicer.  I also really am too old to be having "but he started it" excuses over what should be a fun and meaningful hobby.  Be well all.  See you in a few months.


@erik_squires - Tammy (I assume it was Tammy, it was posted by an administrator) started a thread with a link about reporting political posts. I'm not sure I've ever reported anybody here, but agree that, whatever the views, they don't belong on an audio forum. So, FWIW, "Admin" is aware of the problem and has offered one solution. I simply avoid those threads altogether, which is a shame since I've been here a while and there are still valuable contributors here, you among them. 

There are plenty of places folks can go to discuss politics. This isn't one of them, given its purpose. (though last time I checked the TOU, it did not address the subject-- maybe it's time that the 'Gon updates its terms of use. Easy enough to do- lots of templates out there. 

Unfortunately bad behavior has become a way of life these days.   Not posting here  hardly seems like an effective solution. 

I expected a response like that, but I figured I'd try anyway. 

Thanks for proving my point. Noted.

All the best,



There are plenty of places folks can go to discuss politics. This isn’t one of them, given its purpose. (though last time I checked the TOU, it did not address the subject-- maybe it’s time that the ’Gon updates its terms of use.

It has always been clear that politics are off-topic:

Goals of these discussions

  • Discuss the audiophile hobby
  • Share experiences with other audiophiles.
  • Share news about the high-end audio industry.

Details here.

That’s why it’s so annoying that some just can’t suppress their urge to engage in politics and religion here. It’s obvious their goal is to disrupt. I note that every single one of them claims a special excuse for their behavior.


Yes @cleeds, and we all know who you are referring to. He rants with intolerance and pretends that he's saving others from themselves.