Omega The Seven Bookshelf Speakers

Anyone with any experience with these speakers? I emailed the company but no response and have not been able to find anything in a web search. Thx. Considering for 2nd system. Jolida FX-10, Bluesound Node 2i, REL T5 sub.


There's a pair for sale over at the music room. They might have some information there.

I have not heard the 7's but I did own a set of the SAM's and was very impressed with how well they did much of the sound scape. Best soundstage in any speaker I've ever owned by a good margin. good over all balance with just a hint of typical single driver/wizzer honk but very min. overall a nice speakers if matched with good electronics,  definitely low powered tube amps are excellent with them. 

they need a sub to fill out the bottom end/lower midrange.  

the 7's are not offered anymore 9from what i can see) so i cannot comment directly on them but there is not many bad reviews of omegas out there so that tells you something. 

I  have S.A.M. in my second system. I agree on their strengths outweighing their weaknesses.   Using a Cyrus i7XR amp with Vault 2i and REL r305 sub.   

Great sounding compact system.   They replaced a 25 year old pair of Sonus Faber Concerto.   The benefits of no crossover and single driver are apparent immediately with good electronics.  They really sound good at normal or a little more generous than average volumes.  They will play loud but that's not what these speakers are about.  I'm only using with a 40 watt amp but they seem to loose their composure when you push them 

Best to call Louis ,  he is a one man show .  

I don't know if the Seven are hemp cone alnico but the driver is of similar design to the C.A.M and S.A.M.