That Transformational piece of Gear We All Wish For

I suspect most of the music/audio lovers on this web site have wished for that piece of gear that literally transforms their system?  I know i have.  I have been going down this audio rabbit hole since the mid 70’s, and there have been a few pieces that made a really nice improvement to my system (the PS Audio P20 Power plant being one of them).  However (and this comment only applies to pre-amps and amps and no other category), nothing that I can ever recall has so energized and improved my system in so many ways as my new pre-amp.  I have owned some really fine brands in the past including Pass,  Coda, ARC, PS Audio,  Rowland, and more, but now I am a BAT Man for sure.   The new pre-amp is the BAT VK-80 and I love that beast.  I hope everyone reading this will get a chance someday to try one in their system.  I know he is a controversial figure,  but Kevin Deal's review of this piece is so right on.  He really loves it too and rightfully so.


My system consists of:

Thiel 3.7 speakers

Coda 16 power amp


PS Audio Perfect Wave transport

PS Audio P20 power plant

BAT VK 80 preamp


After a variety of sub-$1K dacs that all sounded pretty much the same, for me the Ayre QB-9 dac sounded so close to vinyl that I promptly sold my SOTA Sapphire TT with vacuum platter.  I have never looked back. 

#2 It has always been clean, distortion free, solid, low impedance power right at my wall outlet.

#1 I consider Myself, gear.  I wish I could not be sooo damn critical and just enjoy the music.  But I'm learning to turn it off and on.

Love this. I am an amateur at best trying to muddle my way through this to find what I love. Room treatments always fascinate me. I have a ton of great gear (I’m from Cave Creek so have a D’Agostino Momentum HD preamp, phono, and Momentum M400 mono locks running a lot of Nordost to Aurender W20 and Chord DAVE to older B&W 802Ds, my next upgrade). But because I want to stay married most is in a closet with ventilation and in a big room (combined family room, living room, and kitchen. Big open space, with a tv in between. I wish I could figure out the best way to treat that space without my wife telling me it’s ugly, or worse yet, no :). My preamp made the biggest difference. But I’m certain treating my room would make a huge improvement. 

1st 'wow' - upgrading from a mid-fi integrated (B&K) to Class A separates (Ayer).  

2nd, but smaller 'wow' - upgrading the caps in the Ayre amp (to higher end Ayre caps)

3rd 'wow' - upgraded my Ayre preamp to a tube-based Audio Research Ref 6SE preamp.

Now, if only my wife would let me add a dedicated listening-room onto the house ;:0

bgross Yep, tubes can be transformative. Similar experience here with my tube DAC and some NOS Mullards. I was on the fence between your PS and GoldNote - ended up with GoldNote. The LM isn't pretty but it sure does sound great even with the stock tubes.

My ah ha moment was finally finding the right amp for my Harbeth's; T+A PA 3100 HV which replaced a BAT VK3500 which was good, but not great.

(I have no doubt BAT separates are great)  

Happy 4th!