best cd player for 300-500 bux

just wondering what players to look at in that price range. i have a nad c541 now and would like to get a different player with a removable power cord. thanks for the info
and to add, getting another player just for a removable power cord makes no sense to me.
so u would think a good dac would help more than getting something like a musichall 25.2? ok school me on how a dac works with my exhisting cdp. i will be doing some research meanwhile. how does it hook to my cdp? sorry for the stupid questions im a pretty lowfi guy. have a cheapish audio innovations tube preamp, and signal wires with psb stratus gold speakers. thanks for all the replies guys. kevin

We have all been there. In my mind (twisted as it is), every CDP has a DAC, most of the money on average CDPs goes into the drive, the case, the licenses, and not too much on the DAC. This changes when you spend lots of money on a CDP. The DAC takes the digital bitstream out of the laser and converts digital to analog so can send it to your amp and speakers. The laser will read the bits, but the Dac makes sense of it. I found that the better the DAC, the better the sound. Each DAC sounds a little different. There are many chips out there that act as DACs. Each one has a different character. Therefore, you can change the sound by changing DACs. The drive or transport may feed more accurate bits to the DAC and therefore affect the sound, but the DAC will add its character to the sound you hear. I found the DLIII DAC to be more like LP than other DACs I have heard (very limited). The magic is in the DAC. There are many fine DACS, in many price ranges and of many "signatures". You will have to experiment to find what is best for you. If you buy used, you can sell at little loss. I have no compulsion to change since I am happy with what I have. The DAC is more important than the transport, IMO. If you use a good digital coax, such as Blue Jeans or Signal Cable or better, you will transfer the bits accurately to the DAC. This will make your CDP sound great and save you money. At least until you decide to upgrade. Then you will be back here, perusing the posts and wanting to have even more! Good luck in your quest.

You need to check on the back of NAD CDP and see what kind of outputs (opitical or coax)that it as. Coax is better, but opitical also works well. Many good DACs in the $300 - 500 price range (and I see some have already been listed). Do a little research and you'll get a feel about the sonic qualities of the various DAC. Other than that hooking up a DAC is a matter of connecting the DAC to output (opitical or coax) on the back of your CDP by use of the apporiate cord, and then connecting the DAC to your amp/pre-amp.