Sviatoslav Richter. Greatest pianist of the last century?


Mahler123: Did NOT say greatest ev- ah. Greatest of the last century is what I wrote in the original post.

Why ridiculous? You don't listen to every pianist isn't it so? You pick and choose which means you find some are better than others. Interesting is the reasons for our preferences illustrated by musical examples. The span of Richter's repertory and the depth is what sets him apart.  

Pollini Mozart Piano Concerto Number 23

And his mentor Michelangeli . Conducting is the wonderful Guilini.

Michelangeli Beethoven Piano Concerto Number Three

Gilels Beethoven Opus 101

Responding to praise, Gilels once said Wait'll you hear Richter. Gould was another Richter fan. 

I'd rather listen to Petrucciani, Evans, Hancock, Corea, Barron, etc. 



As Frank Zappa once said...sort of..."It's not a pushup contest."


... and yet, for many, these "best of" competitions appear to be irresistible. 

+1 on Gieseking, though it's a crime that Walter Legge recorded him on such blowsy, antiquated equipment.  There are very few recordings that convey the glory of his tone.  Also, I enjoy Trifonov a lot.  But I confess that I don't "get" Richter.  I don't know why.  I have a good friend, a fellow audiophile who studied to be a classical pianist, who keeps up with the plethora of talented young pianists.  I need to sit down with him sometime and help me understand what makes Richter so special.  I don't doubt that he is, but as someone who is not a trained musician I feel that I'm missing something.