Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric

Budget is $10k.

I want something that plays SACDs as well as redbook.

Must have US service available.

I mention Esoteric as they appear to be one of the few still pushing the envelope as well as supporting SACD in this price range.


The Esoteric K series XD have stunning DAC’s.

Since the SE series is coming out you can get A K01 XD very close to your budget.

I had the K01 XD but decided on trading for the N01XD SE since I was not playing CD’s at all.

For me the Esoteric was a better sounding dac than the Aurender A20 I have.

As mentioned above I have the Playback Designs Mps-8  and I don't think you will find a better one box solution!


What are you thoughts of the N01XDSE?  I recently traded in my XD for the XDSE and could not be happier.

K01x owner here. Sounds great, happy. No desire to change it.

Disadvantage of Esoteric.

1) Constant planned obsolescence, every 2 years a new model which devalues the “older” players

2) only 1 service center in US (Los Angeles)

3) Repairs are expensive. My player did not read discs right outside warranty = new transport and $3.5k in repairs. 


I did not get a chance to an A/B test of the XD vrs XDSE but the Esoteric discreet DAC was definitely one of my better purchases! Roon is also new to me and I’m loving it as well.