Best Music Streamer to pair with Rogue Audio monoblocks and Pre-Amp

hi all,

I'm purchasing Maggies 3.7i to pair with Rogue Audio monoblocks and Pre-Amp (RP-5v2) and want to upgrade on my Bluesound Node.  Am considering the Hifi Rose RS250A, the Audiolab 9000N, and the Moon 280D.  

Any thoughts on a good pairing.

And I'm also thinking about adding 2 JL Audio subs, perhaps the E110.

I appreciate the collective wisdom of the community.






I’ve owned streamers in the $3K —-> $22K range and each step up rendered significant sonic improvements… pretty much like every other component does. 

All good choices! I have 2 nodes and the software can't be beat. That being said, I switched my whole front end to a Moon 390, which incorporates a streamer and I have been very happy. I now mostly listen to my NAS or lps. 

Moon makes great products with a terrific warrantee and I think the 280 is worth a try. The software is very good, not BluOS good, but very good.
Good luck and have fun!


who the h are you?  Another audiophile has a different opinion from you.  Dude! Get over it! 

@mdalton Yeah, and I have a different opinion from him which is perfectly within my right. He came out and made a strong statement that I thought was ridiculous and rebutted it. That happens here — deal with it. BTW, the vast majority of people here agree with what I said, so get over that dude.