Do No Harm ... well the least harm anyway

I want to insert a high pass filter between my preamp and amp (both Benchmark) so I can limit the frequencies going to my full range speakers (Ref 3A Nefes II) to over 100Hz with a 24 db/oct. slope. The 3 possible ways are passive, active, or digitally (A to D then D to A where this is done through software). I am seeking opinions on which method would be the least intrusive to the original signal (ie. best sounding). Thanks for any replies.


Personally I would run those full range and just dial the sub in with a low crossover. Or use a DSP based low pass for the sub or something like the JL Audio crossover just for low pass,  Those are big speakers you'll be missing a lot of what they can deliver at low  frequencies and the sub can be located by ear because it is playing above 60- 80 Hz.    

Reference 3A 's special sauce is that they don't really use a crossover themselves , they use a filter cap to protect the tweeter and those woofers are essentially run full range.  I believe all of their speakers are like that. 

I like subs, but they can do more harm than good if you operate them crossed over that high. 

I'm also in the camp that prefers to run my main speakers full range, and just use to sub to augment the bottom octave or so.   Some male vocals can go down near 60hz, and are best reproduced by your main speakers so the fundamental notes plus their harmonics all come from the same place, where they stand a much better chance of sounding like a single coherent music wave. .  Just my 2 cents.

+1, @cleeds

Unless your speakers sounds distorted, I would not limit any high or low frequencies. If that’s the case, I would look at the alternate amplification (amplifier) and preamp.