My interpretation of the OP is that he seems to think that we all listen to Classical Music as our preferred genre and that we follow Harry Pearson dictum that our systems should approximate the sound of live acoustic instruments in a concert hall.
The first assumption is clearly wrong. While it is true for myself personally tha I exclusively listen to CM, if one spendssome time in the Music Forum and it will become clear that Classical Music is a niche here as it is everywhere. There does seem to be a higher proportion of contributors who listen to CM at least some timethan the general population.
Regarding the Absolute Sound Goal: 1) It really can’t apply to electrified popular music, where the sound is significantly determined at the mixing console at either a concert or recording venue. There are some classic rock LPs that have been reissued in over 100 mixes. Which one is the correct one? Many albums are recorded by having musicians play parts in different rooms, sometimes different continents apart. 2) it is a ridiculous goal to aspire to for any genre. My listening room is will never approximate the dimensions of a concert hall. A system that would be appropriate to fill that space would sound awful in my home.
I aspire to sound reproduction that makes me forget these issues when I’m listening and is doing a reasonable job of reproducing what the engineers have placed on the source. It’s really up to the sound engineers to take the source and make it sound realistic to a listener