Good "warm" CD player for $500

I’m looking to get a new or used CDP for around 500 bucks. I have what I would consider a "bright" system (PS Audio HCA-2, PS Audio PCA-2, Dali Ikon 7 speakers, Anti-Cables and Blue Jeans interconnects) in a "bright" room (wood floors, big windows, lots of glass etc) and need a warm sounding CDP.

All suggestions, recommendations and offers are welcomed! I’m currently running an Oppo 980H thru a Digital Link III Dac and although it sounds good it’s a little too harsh, brittle, and forward for my ears.
I also have a Jolida JD-100 with Underwood Lvl 1 mods, plus add'l mods like teflon caps. It was an improvement over my prior NAD C542 cd player which was good for its price point. I have a Sonic Fronters Power 2 tube amp which is very detailed and powerfull but NOT warm. My TAD 150 Signature tube preamp and Jolida cd player help balance out the overall sound. My QUAD 22L2 speakers really 'sing' using the above set up. Best of luck.
If you can stretch your budget or buy one used, the Eastsound E5 is a stellar sounding source for the price ($800 new, $500 used). Do a search on this player on and you will learn a lot about this player. Bottom line is that it is cheap because it is made in China. But I have not had any problems with reliability and have used mine pretty much every day for the last three years.
hi jeremy:

could you define warm ? my definition is an attenuation in the treble and a slight peak in the mid bass. do you agreee with this ?
A cd player will not be the cure for your problems. Since you already have a dac, insert a digital eq/processor in the chain. You can also get a modded Behringer DEQ in your price range which can replace the digital link III. This Ikons are bright speakers, have you considered replacing those first?