Nonsense. This isn’t a scientific forum. No one here owes you any "rigorous" explanation or any other kind of proof, although of course you’re free to conduct your own experiments and share the results. If the empirical evidence described by users here is insufficient for you, perhaps you are in the wrong place.
I think you misread me. I don’t require any explanation. Evidence described by user’s perceptions are perfectly adequate for me, with no further claims or explanations beyond that. If they like it, they like it. Period. But, if the manufacturer starts making technical claims, it is scorn worthy if they don’t back it up. If they’re not going to back it up, why make a technical claim in the first place? If it’s just how users perceive it, who cares how it works? Why bother with all the technical hocus pocus, or credentials of the person who designed it? If it works, it works!
I’m not curious enough about it to do any formal testing myself. I’ve listened, and since my listening skills aren’t good enough to be impressed, I’ll leave it to those who can perceive what the fuss is all about and are curious about how it actually works to do those kinds of experiments. This is my selfish side. I’m interested in things I can hear, things that matter to me. I hear a lot of problems with 2 speaker stereo. Even though it sounds quite good, it’s a hack job way of creating stereo sound. I’ve got much bigger fish to fry than cable improvements. The problem is, I have no reasonable idea how to fry them.