Tube Amps needing mods. Needing a referral for the work.

I have a set of Audio Research M300 monoblock power amps. I’m wanting to do some modifications to open the sound etc, especially since they’re in their original condition including caps etc. Can you suggest someone who’s deeply knowledgeable and experienced with ARC to implement these mods? 
I’ve recently moved to Houston TX and can find no one with any expertise. Happy to take them elsewhere to get a great individual to work on them.


I suggest contacting ARC and letting them know you really don't like the sound of their statement amps. Then ask if they know of any techs in your area who would could change their carefully engineered creation. I'm sure you'll hear back.

I want to apologize for my comment, as it was snarky and totally uncalled for (out of character for me). I don't have ARC experience, but I'm sure someone who does will post a comment that is actually helpful (unlike mine). Again, my apologies.