Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?


Why not use the Cambridge with a stand alone DAC?   If you like the Cambridge user interface and are looking to improve sound quality , that's where I would start.  


You may want to consider the iFi streamer. It is an excellent and very inexpensive streamer that punches way above its very low price point. 

I have 2 Cambridge units. OneI use as a transport into my external DAC, a Bryston DAC3. The other sits in a midfi system and I use the internal DAC.

Obviously I ‘m a CA fan, and @oddiofyi suggestion is the way I would go,.  OP has stated in the past that enjoys his CA streamer, so I’m not sure why he has now become dissatisfied , but if he is using the internal DAC I think he should notice an improvement with using a better external DAC