Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects

Got a pile of interconnects cables today from Cable Company to try, focusing on between my DAC (Weiss) and pre (Mc c2300)—SF Amati Tradition speakers with MC601s. Base cables mid level Wireworld.


- Cardas Clear Cygnus

- Cardas Clear Reflection 

- Shunyata Venom 

- Shunyata Venom X

First in was Cygnus. I was immediately floored. Loved everything about it—feeling so engaged with music. Amazingly dynamic and tight bass response. Every song I played was just amazing.

After an hour I was itching to try the Reflection expecting great things. Nope. Dull and woolly. I love warm, but perhaps this was too much of a good thing. After two songs I was back to the Cygnus. 

Sticking with the Cygnus tonight.

Shunyata will be up tomorrow and I’ll report back. 


@classicrockfan "I write posts on this forum not for elon musk but for audio enthusiasts who live on a budget more than 90% of us."

How do you write about something you've never tested before? 

Again, it's all just a bunch of babble until you test it and evaluate it yourself.  No problem here with WBC or Mogami cables, a solid value for the $. When you've actually demoed, tested, and compared them on a good system, it's the only way to know. I have for too long.  Ah, and defaulting to ASR tests aint gonna cut it for most here. Ask NASA why they chose to use Analysis Plus cables instead of Mogami or WBC on some of their design projects.

Enjoy your World's Best Cables, it's great that you found something that works well for you and that's all that matters!  


How do you write about something you’ve never tested before? Again, it’s all just a bunch of babble until you test it and evaluate it yourself. compared them on a good system, it’s the only way to know. I have for too long. Ah, and defaulting to ASR tests aint gonna cut it for most here. Ask NASA why they chose to use Analysis Plus cables instead of Mogami or WBC on some of their design projects.

Enjoy your World’s Best Cables, it’s great that you found something that works well for you and that’s all that matters!

Years ago I tested a few stupidly expensive audio cables from cable terminators/resellers like yourself as I expected didn’t notice any audio difference (between my 300/pr vs their 3000/pr) Oh and my preamp/amp (a pair of old krells I rebuilt myself using the best possible components) are probably some of the best in the world if not the best. So you have issues with ASR or just don’t like measurements but you should know science and its engineering applications are strictly based on measurements, too much for a repair man. Why don’t you let ASR test/review your cables based on engineering principles, that is a million times more reliable than influencers subjective ears. As for the NASA guy he didn’t do enough research nor spent his own money. FYI I don’t have any WBC cables. I still happily use audio cables I bought years ago from a reseller in CO because there wasn’t any reliable online platform to buy audio cables at that time. These days you just have to do your own research browsing Amazon to find quality audio cables like WBC and so many other great cables for less than $100. If I get to buy new audio cables I will definitely get the 7awg WBC speaker cables and other nice cables off amazon. Then again I do not believe the WBC cables or your $10k/pair cables would make a difference because it’s the bad cables that make a difference. So people don’t get fooled and waste money on cables. can definitely find outstanding interconnects that outperform those overpriced interconnects from resellers.

How hard is it for @classicrockfan to understand if this were true we all would be doing it. 

Oh and I write posts on this forum not for elon musk but for audio enthusiasts....

A real audio enthusiast (audiophile) actually listens to components and makes up their own mind, and will not be brainwashed into deciding there is no sonic difference by people who claim there are "tests" that can tell us how they sound, because these tests do not exist. 

But please, feel free to keep on babbling, as it has no effect on all the intelligent people in this forum. 

    The problem with naysayers (ie: classiccrock) isn't that they're ignorant.

                     It's how they, "know" so much, that's incorrect.

     I have one word, to express my personal view as regards the Church of Denyin'tology and it's obfuscating, classically (possibly: willfully) obtuse adherents:


                                            Happy listening!