Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano


How is it being a dogmatist when you state, in your experience,
one streamer sounds better than another? Are those who say that, delusional or liars? Rather, isn’t it being a dogmatist to insist, in spite of observational evidence, that these observations are incorrect, but that statistics indicate the reality?


see what I mean?  ad hominem.  

@soix @rvpiano

my listening obsevations  from 20 (not 30, sorry) years experience is that there are no differences.  And others on this forum have had the same experience.  so again, not fitting into your little box, sorry.



my listening obsevations  from 20 (not 30, sorry) years experience is that there are no differences.


So the fact that others disagree with you makes them dogmatic. 

Interesting concept.


exactly.  and I’ve not once accused you of making yourself “look utterly foolish”, because that’s a personal attack. I certainly disagree with you, but I don’t insult your intelligence or suggest your posts are “pointless.” We simply disagree.  I think you honestly believe what you think, just as I do.  (Reminds me of a great management aphorism though: “Don’t always believe what you think.”)  

Anyway, let’s see if you can be a little more civil.  I’ll break down my statements in a format that’s easier for you to react to.  Why don’t you tell me, by #, which ones you disagree with, and then we can have an actual, potentially constructive conversation.  (Remember, you’re not allowed to assume a statement not in evidence.)

Statement #1:  Measurements can provide insight into what we hear.

Statement #2:  Measurements can’t possibly do full justice to what we hear in the analog realm, including DACs.

Statenent #3:  Streamers don’t matter if they meet certain basic engineering requirements, which can be measured.

Statement #4:  With respect to noise, measurements provide more accurate insight than subjective listening tests, particularly for gear where the only known differences are noise.

I’m pretty sure we agree violently on #1 and #2, but I wouldn’t want to assume anything.  Looking forward to your (civil) response.