Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

nah, we just know how networks operate.

@mikhailark  Yeah, you just don’t have any idea how they operate in an audio system and are unable or unwilling to use your ears to tell you anything because you arrogantly think you know everything, and you don’t.  You are very good at being able to stick your head in the sand though I’ll give you that, but I understand it’s easier for you that way.  You and your type are in the vast minority here for a very good reason that you can’t or won’t accept or grasp, and I’ve no inclination to waste anymore time than I already have with your foolishness.  You may now reinsert head in sand where it’s most comfy.  Later dude. 

@soix you don't want to waste your time - so don't. And yet you keep posting long diatribes without any note of science. They are pretty personally insulting too and you also apparently acquired some right to speak for the community? 

You don't like someone's opinion? It is a free country. At least I am not insulting anyone. So yeah, take a hike.