Would like to try a tube preamp after years of solid state and hybrid

I would like to replace my Counterpoint SA-1000 preamp of which I am the original owner.  I have never been satisfied with it.  I bought it as a replacement for a Hafler DH-100 pre that I bought to go with a Hafler DH-220 amp.  (I still like the amp, more so after I recapped it and upgraded a few parts.)  I did a total recap of the Counterpoint and replaced some of the rca jacks, along with a few other small things, but still find it to sound congested and dull.  In my opinion, it didn’t live up to the positive reviews that it received when it was released, but it served well in a secondary system.  My primary system makes use of an Aragon 24k preamp and 4004 amp which I find to be an acceptable level of performance.  I am using all digital sources at the moment, a JVC XL-Z1050 cd player or MacBook Pro through a Weiss DAC204.  The speakers are B&W Cm1/CM2.  Yes, with the exception of the DAC, it is all from around the same vintage.  You might be able to guess, but I have chosen components which produce a clean and crisp sound.  I am at the point that I would like to experiment with a completely different sound in the form of an old school, or near old school, tube preamp.  


I have been doing as much research as I can, including many thoughts from the Audiogon community, and have narrowed my choices down to the following few that are available right now, but open to other suggestions as I’m not in any rush.  I’m not a super-critical listener, but I have music training and experience, so I know what instruments and performances sound like live.  My budget is $2,000 or less plus trade value for the Counterpoint, and my goals are to get something that sounds obviously like a tube component.  I would like to equal or exceed the performance of the 24k in case I like the tubes better.  A phono stage is not required, but welcome.  I don’t like designs that have exposed tubes or showy facades (McIntosh, Zesto, PrimaLuna, etc).  I would like to get some guidance from the forum members.  


Conrad-Johnson PV 5, PV 10, PV 11, or other

Audible Illusions Modulus L3 or M3

Cary SLP-70

VAC Standard LE

Joule Electra LA-150 (in spite of the fact that they are out of business)

Audio Research (although I can’t decipher which model to consider - LS7, LS17, LS25?)


If I choose something newer, perhaps Quicksilver, AVA, Modwright, or Brown Audio Lab, but these might not sound ad "tubey" as the older units.


I understand that the older preamps might require some amount of rehabilitation, some of which I can do.  Nothing is a sure bet, but I would appreciate your input.


Thanks for any input, and best wishes!


There are two used Conrad Johnson tube preamps for sale here on AG. One the P11 and one the Classic.  These may have the tuby sound you are looking for at half your budget. Likely could be resold at little loss if not.

Thanks again for all of the input.  I have been listening to the Counterpoint for a couple of days now, and once I settled on the best sounding of the three tubes on hand, it's not too bad.  It does, however, make me more confident in my decision to try a tube preamp.  Life, in the form of some significant truck repairs, has kept this on the back burner for a bit longer.  I'm definitely getting my choices narrowed down, and some patient consideration on my part will hopefully pay off.

Best wishes!

Thanks @mesch, There has been a listing for a pv11, but I see a new one.  That model is on my short list, maybe the classic as well.  I will give that some serious thought.

My two cents for what they are worth. I sold Counterpoint way back and the thousand series preamps were good for the money, but got much better as you climbed the chain. The 1000 was decent and did sound good for the money, but the 2000/3000 was a good step up and the 5000 was a huge step beyond. I owned the 5000 and remember it being exceptional.

All that being said, I also owned a few of the CJ preamps as well. The PV10, PV11, PV12 had a wonderful full sound and were very musical. I am not familiar with The Classic, but if it has the signature of those earlier preamps, it will have that full tube sube sound.

Best of luck on your journey and have fun.