dedicated cd player or dvd-cd

I have a new harman kardon 38 dvd - cd player
using only for audio. sounds bright, a bit thin.
seem to get more bass from an adcom tuner FM?

can I expect much improvement from a audio/ cd only player.
NAD,or recomendations? probably used to start.

Van Alstyne transendance preamp,
Sunfire symphonic reference amp,
Vandersteen 2cis
You'll find mhdt DACs listed on ebay by the maker. They are made in Taiwan I believe, and seem to have a lot of satisfied US customers.

I picked up both my Paradisea (tube) and Constantine (SS equivalent) second hand here on Agon.
Im not familiar with DACs,
will a better quality cd player do away with the need for one
or will it make any cd player sound better.

CD players have DACs in them. You can upgrade the entire player or use an external DAC and just use the player as a controller and transport. Upgrading the player is easier but may cost more to get to a certain quality of sound. A good external DAC that is jitter resistant can probably get you there for less. AN external tube DAC is a way to introduce the benefits of tube sound for minimal cost. I think a good tube DAC (under $1000, not necessarily expensive) is a very practical solution for those that would like their digital sources to sound more like their analog sources.