AI-Written Stereophile Articles

Has anyone else noticed that some of Stereophile's articles are sounding decidedly "off" and just plain badly written? I have now read several that sound suspiciously like they're AI generated (bizarre phrasing, odd syntax, etc.). Just curious if others are noticing the same.


I've read terrible English-language writing, spelling, grammar, syntax, etc all over the internet and all over society for decades now; AI was not required for it; if anything, it might be better than what I read from a lot of humans. 

😏 a known abuser of the Anguished Stranglage, I can safely claim that any AI that would post the things I’ve done and may do in the future.....

...would have gotten a C/Format input early on.....

Being the organic biped I is....too messy to deal with on a permanent basis.... ;) least y'all can rest easier, knowing I do whatIdo on purpose, rather than a 6th generation machine learning cycle....

They've been discovered that they 'forget'.....*LOL*

*L*  To misquote Ben Franklin after his kite flight:

"All thee have to fear... is Me."

....he was never 'quite the same' after that little venture.....

....yes, part of a superputer cabal formed to turn humans into semi-sentient drones constantly in search of the latest useless .....


Been there, did that....'scuse, go back to sleep....