I've had my BDP 83 for about 3 months now. I have been tinkering with the sound as a transport with an external DAC and different cables.
I hooked in a DacMagic to the Oppo via a high quality Analysis Plus digital interconnect. I am running the DacMagic into my Integra processor via Kimber balanced interconnects.
I have been comparing the sound of the Oppo player through three different connections for 2 channel sound.
1) Oppo 83 player playing two channel via HDMI connection, DVD input, hdmi connection
2) Oppo 83 player playing two channel through analog connections with no external DAC - DVD input, analog connection
3) Oppo 83 player playing two channel connected to Cambridge DacMagic described above - CD input on processor
My analysis is ranked below: Best resolving sound, warmth
#1 - Oppo connected to DacMagic, warmer sound with better clarity from highs to low bass
#2 - Oppo connected via analogs
#3 - Oppo connected via HDMI - a little edgy across the board to my ear. Increased + 5-7 dbz's via HDMI
This is just my personal preference in listening to two channel via the Oppo 83. Not scientific, just the way I like the sound.
Playing through Usher BE 718 Monitors, ATI 3007 amp, Integra Processor.
I actually have a second player that I kept in my system and I am experimenting versus the Oppo. I have been comparing the Oppo to my Arcam DV 139 for music. I have to say the Arcam is much smoother in playing music, but it is also 4 times the cost.
Oppo is great for DVDvideo and BluRay video. I think I will just run two players and have the best of both worlds.