OPPO BDP 83 as Redbook player?

Hey guys,

I would really like to hear what you guys think of the BDP 83 when it comes to 2 channel music playback.

After recently selling my Jolida JD-100 CDP along with my amp and preamp in order to downsize my system a bit I was thinking about getting a universal player that will handle HT duties, but most important to me, be a good redbook player.

I do have a handful of Hybrid CDs in my collection so the SACD abilities would also be a bit of a bonus.

Right now I am using a cheapo Denon DVD-1730 which has been "good enough" for HT but does not cut it for music.

Would a better option be adding the Cambridge Audio DacMagic to the Denon?

Or eventually, perhaps both the Oppo and Dac?
I heard one in my system yesterday, brought over by a friend, and not yet entirely broken in. The SACD performance, compared with my own Oppo 980H, was significantly better (richer, fuller-bodied). The CD performance was maybe a little better tan the 980H, but not in the same league as my Raysonic CD-128. I'd characterize the CD performance as okay for the price. Maybe further break-in would change the picture.
I have the Oppo BDP-83 and I am not prepared to have it modded yet and void the warranty.

This player is a bargain and responds very well to Alan Maher's Power Enhancer with Diy Filter. Sorry, there is no need to spend megabucks to get above average sound. The previous post got my attention and answers the question, how does it compare to a true Hi-end player when modded.

If concerned about mod'ing the Oppo BDP-83, how well does it work as a transport with - say a DACMagic or Benchmark DAC? Anybody go this route?
I've had my BDP 83 for about 3 months now. I have been tinkering with the sound as a transport with an external DAC and different cables.

I hooked in a DacMagic to the Oppo via a high quality Analysis Plus digital interconnect. I am running the DacMagic into my Integra processor via Kimber balanced interconnects.

I have been comparing the sound of the Oppo player through three different connections for 2 channel sound.

1) Oppo 83 player playing two channel via HDMI connection, DVD input, hdmi connection

2) Oppo 83 player playing two channel through analog connections with no external DAC - DVD input, analog connection

3) Oppo 83 player playing two channel connected to Cambridge DacMagic described above - CD input on processor

My analysis is ranked below: Best resolving sound, warmth

#1 - Oppo connected to DacMagic, warmer sound with better clarity from highs to low bass

#2 - Oppo connected via analogs

#3 - Oppo connected via HDMI - a little edgy across the board to my ear. Increased + 5-7 dbz's via HDMI

This is just my personal preference in listening to two channel via the Oppo 83. Not scientific, just the way I like the sound.

Playing through Usher BE 718 Monitors, ATI 3007 amp, Integra Processor.

I actually have a second player that I kept in my system and I am experimenting versus the Oppo. I have been comparing the Oppo to my Arcam DV 139 for music. I have to say the Arcam is much smoother in playing music, but it is also 4 times the cost.

Oppo is great for DVDvideo and BluRay video. I think I will just run two players and have the best of both worlds.