Hunting for an integrated for thiels cs 2.3. Anthem, Hegel, Bel Canto?

Hello all, I am looking for some advice/wisdom. I found a pair of delicious Thiel CS 2.3 that now adorn a vacation home in France. I am hunting for a good integrated to make them sing, on a skinny budget. Sticking with integrated as preamp/poweramp is likely more expensive. Aiming to stay above 100 wpc/8 ohms to have distort-free headroom. This is what I found on the used market in possible financial reach:

Bel Canto écoute 2i (The seller states the amplificator module was upgraded in 2020 by a distributor)

Hegel 160

Anthem int 225 (I have this driving cs2.2 in my US home, this would work quite nicely)

I know and enjoy the Anthem. I have never heard the Hegel but reviews seem quite enthusiastic, this is also a more recent unit with airplay and built dac, downside is limited inputs. Never heard a Bel Canto, this one is an older design (2002 I believe). 

Before anyone says Krell for Thiels, that is vastly over budget ;)

thank you for your wisdom!


Few integrates qualify. You should consider a minimum of 400 Watts into 2 Ohms, and double that would probably be preferable. Claims of “stability into X Ohms” don’t count.

While I have not heard them since they went to the dark side with a switch to Class D amplification,Peachtree Audio gear would fit your needs nicely & has the added benifits of having user switchable voltage so would work World Wide...