Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?



My post was meant solely for you, given your need for gratuitous posts picking fights with other members.  I’m thrilled that the OP, having evaluated for himself the alternatives, is happy with his purchase.  

Post removed 

@mdalton Hmmm.  Sure seems like your link to expectation and confirmation bias was targeted at the OP, but whatever.  I don’t pick fights, I just respond to the material being given.  You have your opinion and I have mine, and thankfully the OP has his and didn’t bother to listen to your advice.  Good for him!


There you go again.  I am very comfortable with others having different views to mine.  I do not have an insatiable need to fill some existential void in my soul by bullying friends, colleagues or strangers into conforming their views to mine.  As I pointed out previously, my first post on this thread was as follows: 

“Here’s a link to a recent thread where competing perspectives on this issue are discussed:”

I do not feel in any way diminished when someone disagrees with me.  


As far as improvements go, where can I begin?  Compared to the Cambridge, which btw I thought was very good, the detail is so much better, the timbre is very natural, dynamics are much wider, the sense of realism is palpable. This is what music sounds like.  I listen to the Aurender just for the sweetness of sound in every track. (of course some will say it’s confirmation bias, but that’s their problem.)

Even though it's ridiculously expensive, it’s worth every penny, and yes, I’m keeping it.