I am presently streaming Pat Metheny's new album - Moon Dial on Qobuz.
I have not listened to his music in quite some time. A very smooth, detailed and relaxing set of tracks
Jazz for aficionados
Yes, nice Bob Berg clips. Thanks! @stuartk , a couple of sessions with Fusion (“electric”) elements that he played on and led by two great players that seem to stay under the radar. With pianist Niels Lan Doky: https://youtu.be/U2zFlthiPnw?si=3QL6IA-pR7loFC11 https://youtu.be/Z2ioZkGZeU4?si=seRQ625iyjFh2Dg7 With one of my favorite vibraphonists, Joe Locke: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nWfLCIjHbRBPFcZeXmv-vI0G-COSJAw3M&si=rvJQUH4yScAD65bS