Do high dollar mono blocks truly improve the Sound Quality over the mid tier amps

I'm currently running a pair of Classe Delta Mono"s to drive my Wilson Alexx V's.  IMO they sound wonderful with plenty of power.  I've been considering upgrading these amps to the next price/quality level.  My biggest concern is whether I'll get the level of improvement in SQ that will move the needle.  I'd love to hear from folks who have made this move in their systems or heard comparisons at shows or dealers.  


Beautiful room. The dimensions are pretty ideal. The glass walls and lack of acoustic treatments make my ears hurt. As mentioned earlier, you would be better off spending your money on improving the room acoustics before buying any new equipment. 

With as nice a system as you already have, it might make sense to look for alternatives that can be swapped in once in a while for a change of pace, rather than replacements.  Yes, there are amplifiers that might suit your taste and system more than what you already have, but, that can only be determined by a trial; I don't think anyone can make a specific suggestion that would necessarily be an improvement.  Someone mentioned Soulution; yes I think their amps sound good, but will you agree?  I think Gryphon sounds good too.

But rather than going the same high powered solid state route, perhaps you can get alternatives that you can use when you get the inch for something different?  i personally don't like most high powered tube amps, but, what about something medium powered from the tube world? I like the Synthesis Roma 98DC Special Edition at 40 wpc.  If you think you need more power, their NYC100, 175 or 200 models are very good for higher powered tube amps.  They also have terrific integrated amps like the A40 and A100 that I think are super bargains and would make nice alternatives (not necessarily replacements).  My local dealer has sold Synthesis amps to several owners of Wilson speakers who were shocked at how much better these lower-powered amps sounded than the D'Agostino, Mcintosh, Diavalet, etc. amps that were in the system.  Many bought the Synthesis amp for their bedroom system, but when they tried it in their main system, that was a surprise.

It's certainly possible, but it will depend on the specific monoblocks.  If the monoblocks are from Convergent Audio, the answer is almost certainly, but everything else also matters.  

The Classe Deltas are not mid-tier.  If anything, they are a bargain compared to

lesser amps that cost more.   B&W frequently pairs their best equipment with the Delta monos — because, according to a Bowers rep Intalked to, they were designed to work together.  I sold more expensive amps to get the Classe because I had Bowers 800D3 with which I was very pleased.  The Deltas were a noticeable upgrade.

The only concern I might have is if the Deltas are a good fit with your Wilsons.  I would suspect so, as they have great ability to push out power, but I don’t know.

I upgraded my PS Audio M700 monos to the M1200s. Wider sound stage with more air. Nice improvement.