Creativity on artists I dislike

I hope you recognize this list:

Cock Jocker;

Pop Singer (Guess who dat? :))

Christina Uglyera 

Diana Krill

Pelvis Resly

Pee Street Band

Share if you have any of yours in mind!


When I read the OP's post and then the responses, I thought I had been redirected to some juvenile Reddit site.



Christina Uglyera?

The Bestiality Boys?

Where are the moderators when you need them.




The Juvenile Posters
Fatuous Threads
Needa Hobby Bigtime
The Big Unfunny
Hootie and the StupidPosts

@shtinkydog   I am still ony ass recovering from total uncontrollable laughter at your band names. Totally funny and entertaining.


@tony1954  I think it's all in good humor and these days we all could use a laugh 🤣