Esoteric SA-50 SACD player, Is it for me?

I am currently using a Mark Levinson 39, which I like.

But I am interested in trying High Resolution digital.

The SA-50 seems to offer may features that I am looking for, balanced variable output and digital inputs for PC audio and a SqueezeBox, USB , etc.

I listen to classical only, use ML331 amp direct ,no preamp.
Speakers, Ariel 10T.

Does anyone know how the variable output on the SA-10 is implemented? Analog like the ML or digitally?

Would this be a good choice? Are there other units I should consider?

Thanks for any input.

Ken, I can only say that I find the SA-50 sonically superior to the M-L. BTW, I also listen to classical.Having said this, I do find the Esoteric somewhat "dry"... as a matter of fact, all teac machines sound dry to me. Despite their typically extended frequency response.

Frankly I don't know of other cdp's to consider -- the Linn Akurate cdp sounds very good, but does not offer the Esoteric's inputs & flexibility. in this day & age, you'd probably be considering h-disks instead:)!
The Esoterics take an incredibly long time to break in, easilly over 500 hours and some, over 1,000 hours. They may not sound dry after break in (mine doesn't). Also, power cable and IC matching a must. They do sound better using balanced out.
"Does anyone know how the variable output on the SA-10 is implemented? Analog like the ML or digitally? "

Digitally. However, if its true that they use 32 bit D/A then you have plenty bits to sacrifice before you may "hear" anything at all.

I use Joule-Electra LA-300 preamp which, I believe is the best preamp in the world and sound directly from Digital Player is lean, has luck of body not vivid and thus luck any life likeness I appreciate so much in the listening or recorded music

Good Luck
Turns out that the Esoteric is not for me.

The lack of a fire wire input, and the 16/44 limitation on the USB input make the SA-50 unsuitable for exploring High Resolution audio.

There is no way to properly connect to a computer for HiRez.