Looking at these specific preamps give me your opinions

I'm building a system and I have an SMC Audio DNA.5 power amp that was built about a year ago so it's up to date on technology although it is still single ended.  I have NX-otica and OB subwoofers from GR Research.  I am looking for a good preamp.  I have a few in mind and would like some opinions.  I have listed them below.

TLC-2  GT24 built by SMC Audio

VRE-1c made by SMC Audio

Revelation Raven tube preamp by Spatial Audio

LTA tube preamp

The TLC-2 and Revelation would need to be purchased new the others I might catch them online used.


@brbrock - +1 on the LTA Microzotl preamp with the level two upgrade offered by LTA. Fantastic preamp! 

Revelation Audio Raven would be my choice from your original list. No question. A highly regarded designer who has keenly refined the circuit topology and parts list. These things are important. Nay, critical, essential.

People often refer to the weight of a unit as a sort of shorthand for indicating the quality of the design. And that can be useful.  But it is a rather crude measure.

I'd be looking for point to point wiring and the use of 6SN7 tubes or similar (6J5, 6SL7, for instance). These tubes are regarded as classics for a reason. That is, they sound really good.

Of those preamps, the Raven preamp without question....but I'd add Aric Audio preamps to the mix, especially the Motherlode or Motherlode XL