Spades vs. Banana plugs ??

What's your preference and why?

Spades or banana plugs?


Yes there are problems with both.Most of the time it depends on how much space you have between the sockets or screws.But I do use banana plugs when possible. 

Depends on your equipment and configuration….I use both to my advantage! 

I have never had the loosening issue with spades that is being reported here, and I do check them from time to time.  

@carlsbad2 - When I use banana connectors, my strong preference is for a minimalist BFA style banana plug - these first, and then these or these.

Pro Tip: Turn your equipment off when you are changing connections. You might save a trip to the repair shop.

@mitch2 Great summary of choices with BFA.  KLEI is always great.  But I prefer the simple one that you linked last.  Crimpable and solderable.  low mass.  Simple and effective.  Not that the others aren't great.
