Amps that don’t impersonate space heaters.

There have been some epically hot periods in metropolitan Chicago this summer. I have had a long running affair with a pair of Avantgarde Uno s2’s and don’t really require a great deal of power. I have two dissimilar but equally compelling amps (a Pass 30.5 and a BAT vk-56) both prodigeous producers of heat creating a sauna like environment in my library/listening room the HVAC system not withstanding. What, if anything, have you boys and girls found that might replicate the qualities of my beloved amps minus the potential for 3rd degree burns and heat prostration?
Cheers and good fortune to you all. 


The aforementioned Codas run quite cool for their topology, much cooler than Pass IME.

My Parasound A21 also keeps fairly cool. For its bass “slam” and depth, I prefer the A21 to the Coda No.8V1. The latter is slightly more refined however.

I also recommend considering the Michi S5. 





Take a look at the Coda S5.5. 50 WPC Class A amp that runs cool, you can put your hand on it an leave it there. It is superb sounding, probably a little better than your Pass 30.5 according to Terry London. He has heard both amps in his system. Here is info:


@helomech i haven't heard the Parasound, but I think I get good slam and depth from my Coda. I suppose speakers, cables, and everything else play into that. 

I also thought I was getting good “slam” from the Coda until I swapped my Yamaha 2100 back into my system, and subsequently the Parasound A21. That experience really highlighted for me the power of expectation bias. 

Apparently bass strength is a common sacrifice with amps employing little to zero global feedback. 

However, I don’t think the OP would notice much, if any reduction in bass going to Coda from low power Pass Labs. The Coda 8 essentially sounded like a Pass XA25 in my system, just with more power and a little more bass extension.