I Sold my CD Player!!! Streaming sounds so incredible!!!

Several years ago, was the very first time I had the opportunity to hear a very high end, high quality, streaming audio system.  Once I heard it, I was smitten, and I knew right then and there that this was me all the way!!!  I was absolutely blown away by the handy convenience of the little iPad (or cell phone) used as remotes to control the otherworldly access to a virtual ocean of music via Tidal, Qobuz or downloads.  I immediately recognized this new technology as the future of my own audio system, especially with all the new hi rez stuff out there that was now made available. I gave up vinyl when CD came on the scene (yes, I'm an old guy), and, now, perhaps, it would be finally time to retire my beloved CD player.  Long story short:  What put my streaming audio system over the top, as far as sound quality is concerned, was the assemblage of these core streaming devices-----( #1) A superb DAC, by Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty streaming DAC  (#2)  An outstanding music server, by Roon Nucleus Plus  (#3) An outstanding Audio Switch, by Pakedge Devices   (#4) Excellent Ethernet Cables, by Shunyata Sigma.  I also utilize numerous other tweaks and filters that further purify the streaming audio signal within my room and audio system.  At this juncture in life, I am just mesmerized by the combination of sound quality and convenience that I get through my streaming audio system.  I'm also happy and pleased to report that, I don't miss my old beloved CD player one bit.  Happy listening.              


That’s plenty of music, especially since the music I’ve collected I really want to listen to over and over again. Streaming? Why?

Nothing wrong with sticking with what you’ve got. I’m not saying you’re doing anything wrong, but there are tons of great music available that you can’t listen to.

When you play an album by streaming, your streaming app will give you recommendations for other albums you may like and you may really like some of them. To each his own.

When you play an album by streaming, your streaming app will give you recommendations for other albums you may like and you may really like some of them. To each his own.

I guess I've been using Youtube, Band Camp and FM jazz radio to encounter new music. Amazon throws up some good recommendations too. I always try to buy the CD, which amongst my music choices, is virtually 100% available.

My mistake. I thought you said you owned all the music you needed. You can find new music on those sources, but if you give it a try, I think you’ll find that streaming is a much better way to find and listen to new music. To each his own, though.

In relation to impacting negatively on the Environment, Vinyl LP, CD and Streaming are without doubt presenting differences and some of which there should be careful considerations prior to making Purchases that come from production being created today.

The Crux of the overall issue is consumption and Music Produced to be Recorded on Vinyl and CD were as a Sale Item, never in their history going to generate the volume of Hires that the Streaming Industries are able to generate.

Additionally for the streaming industries to be a viable operation and afforded as a Hired Service by the multiples that use them, there has to be substantial range of Space available to be Hired covering a multitude of interests to the Hirers.

Data Centres are the Industrial Structures to enable Substantial Storage of content to be hired and the Streaming of the varieties of content to be sent from. 

As a result of a Growth of consumers over a relatively short timeline, Data Centres have been abandoned to be superseded by Structures that are now of such a footprint they are able to be seen from space.

Building the Structures is one Negative Impact on the Environment, not repurposing and abandoning the Structures for New Structures after very short usage periods, has further impaction.



Streamed Music from a Hire Service, used as a means of one entertaining themselves, to be a cost effective Hire Service, must have attachments to other services available from the Data Centre Source.

Everybody to day with the Knowledge they now have, there is no longer ignorance able to be pleaded, if one smokes they know the risks. In relation to producing C02, each individual is well versed on how to make a conscientious effort to reduce their overall impact. The idea that being amused is the subject, maybe obscures ones thoughts on what might be a betterment as an the alternative method for ones choices made for amusing themselves?                

I don’t know how to evaluate the environmental impact of the competing technologies. Yes, physical media has to be disposed of in some fashion, and may end up in a landfill. However if someone listens to their physical media repeatedly having amassed a large amount, they may not consume as much electricity going forward as someone who relies upon streaming.

Or the employment issue. LP and CD pressing plants employ, or used to employ, individuals. Then there are those who were employed in the distribution chain, and finally the shops. Streaming services don’t require much employment; I subscribe to one boutique service that has 2 full time employees. I would not include the people employed by ISP , because I suspect most of them would still have jobs if music streaming services were to disappear.