Check This Out!

Just wanted to make audiophile community aware, anyone looking for a DAC must check out Galle DAC from Cinnamon Audio. The feedback from two recent buyers was very inspiring and they bought the DAC after listening.

"The Galle DAC: we’ve crafted a DAC that delivers a natural, lush sound with remarkable dynamics and harmonic richness"

Cutting edge R2R, 27 bit ladder, laser cut the resistors to hit 0.1% tolerance; installed directly into the circuit board for a bargain price of $12,995

You can hear this DAC at Capitol Audio, courtesy @gestalt audio.


thanks @lalitk

If Mad Max had a stereo system, this would be his DAC. But..I’m not Max and I’m not mad. I’ll pass.

There are many excellent ReferenceR2R dacs out there in the $6k range from

Denafrips as well as Holo Springs , and delta sigma dacs like the Excellent T+A 200 dac. You possible May get 2-3% better possibly at $13k butimo that extra $7k 

can be better spent on a very good Ethernet hub, Ethernet,and or usb cables 

and as I always state Any wall wart to your router or elsewhere is adding noise to your system get rid of it ,the LSA -LPS power supply is by far the best unit under $1200 on Audiogon $700 and has a excellent DC cable most charge $150.

There are many excellent ReferenceR2R dacs out there in the $6k range from

Denafrips as well as Holo Springs , and delta sigma dacs like the Excellent T+A 200 dac. You possible May get 2-3% better possibly at $13k  that extra $7k 

can be better spent on a very good Ethernet hub, Ethernet,and or usb cables 

and as I always state Any wall wart to your router or elsewhere is adding noise to your system get rid of it ,the LSA audio - LPS power supply is by far the best unit under $1200 on Audiogon $700 and has a excellent DC cable most charge $150 for  look on your power supply most are 12v ,the LSA can ramp up to 8 amps 

router- modem combo  around 4 amps.

Cool but unlikely worth the $$$...  so many great DACs for less from companies with pedigree.