Check This Out!

Just wanted to make audiophile community aware, anyone looking for a DAC must check out Galle DAC from Cinnamon Audio. The feedback from two recent buyers was very inspiring and they bought the DAC after listening.

"The Galle DAC: we’ve crafted a DAC that delivers a natural, lush sound with remarkable dynamics and harmonic richness"

Cutting edge R2R, 27 bit ladder, laser cut the resistors to hit 0.1% tolerance; installed directly into the circuit board for a bargain price of $12,995

You can hear this DAC at Capitol Audio, courtesy @gestalt audio.


It’s certainly different. Agree with @yoyoyaya on the OMA vibes this gives off.

The source selection via signal reception is neat, and necessary since it lacks any buttons.

The casework is unique, but I feel when products go over the top on the case or box (Sonus Faber) that’s a large part of what you’re paying for. Give me the performance first, and aesthetics second. Lots of glamor shots of the exterior, but none of what’s actually in the box. Don’t be afraid to show your work.

Also curious how much a DAC is affected by resonance?

Almost $13K is an absurd price! Add up the parts cost and I doubt they cost even 25% of the price. DAC's are the equivalent of sound cards. Those can be built for less than $100. Charging five-figures for a DAC is legal robbery!

Even paying four-figures for a DAC these days is not necessary. There are  excellent DAC's available for three-figures: SMSL, Topping ... more!