How to Play iTunes Through My HiFi

O.K. - I have done some research and am still confused. I would like to play iTunes playlists through the stereo system but have found using my MacBook Pro as the source degrades the sound. I've done this at a couple of parties using a DJ system and the Mac sounds inferior to the professional Denon CD players.

My budget is $400.00-600.00 and I already have a Bel Canto DAC II I could also use. Any suggestions of products which can improve the music making abilities of the Mac laptop?
Try what the following link suggests and see if it helps
Logitech Duet, doesn't need a DAC, but it surely benefits from one, requires either a direct connection to your laptop or a wireless connection in your house. Wadia iPod doc, does need a DAC.

Personally, I like the Duet, I have mine going into an excellent Upconverter (DCS) and then to a DAC (DCS) and the performance is terrific. But just straight in, especially into a mid-fi system is pretty good too.
wireless from macbook to airport express to bel canto dac to receiver. Airport express around 80 to 100 dollars.