”….The cable unbelievers either don’t have audiophile ears or an unresolving system where wires are just wires….”
So says His Audio Excellency, sacred holder of the highest knowledge in all things audio.
Maybe His Audio Excellency speaks in jest?
Nevertheless. Let me say two things in refutation.
- as for the revealing system, see theaudioatticvinylsundays.com , go to the bottom of the about page. Note that I don’t even bother to mention cables in there, but if you must know, I use monster for speaker cable and something or other (sorry I’m not in front of my system right now) to connect the components that costs around $5-$7 a foot.
- as for the ears, why is it that during the listening sessions that I hold, that it is I that is always pointing out characteristics in the music that my audience don’t hear? It’s not because I have better - “audio quality” is how I think you put it - ears, it’s because people hear differently, their brains are wired differently, they are drawn to different sounds, they listen differently. Same thing with random ambient sound: I can be somewhere in a room or outdoors, I’ll hear something (in spite of my cervical stenosis-induced tinnitus) and say something about it, the other people with me are like wtf are you talking about and I say sssh listen, and then they hear it?
I will say that most people - thanks to social media - have forgotten how to sit still and listen. But that’s a related topic.
But they all are stunned - stunned - by the quality of sound from my system. Comments run from “never ever heard music sound like that before”, “better than live music”, “when I die, I’m going to ask … no, I’m going to tell God to send me back here.”
With cables that don’t cost U.S. $5M per foot.
I stopped believing in the Catholic Church at age 9.
I stopped believing in God at age 13.
Do you really think that I’m going to genuflect in The Church of Audio before The Altar of Cable Theology at age 70?
I’m not going there.
PS: I wonder if this offends Tammy and whomever in this crowd jerks her chain: let’s see how long this post lasts.
Poppy Crum on Led Zeppelin and why people hear either what they want to hear or what they are directed to or told to hear, in Audio Myths, from 5:12 to 9:28:
The entire talk is worth listening to, especially JJ Johnson who speaks just before Poppy and is on point to my discussion.
Poppy Crum on Sensory perception and empathy
Poppy Crumb is chief audio engineer at Dolby.