@jheppe815 Exactly. Which is why the manufacturers continue making second rate subwoofers, they are less expensive and less complicated. My point is that many great systems are better off without subwoofers then employing them in this way which is why subs have such a poor reputation in some circles. You should do it right or not do it at all. Theater is a different subject. One issue you are not quite there on. To get realistic bass at levels that will not hurt your ears you have to apply EQ to boost bass such that from 50 down to 20Hz are boosted 10 dB. This is not due to any woofer defect, it is due to the sensitivity of your ears and cutaneous sensation to low bass. Making subwoofers that are +0, -3 dB from 100 down to 20 Hz is not difficult. Getting them +10 dB 50 down to 20Hz requires digital EQ. Without EQ capability there is one other way to do it, turn the gain up on the subwoofer amplifiers or down on the main speakers while rolling out of the subs 10 Hz earlier, as in sub crossover point 90Hz, main speakers 100Hz.
@ditusa I sort of think fast is sillier than musical, but who am I to say:-) https://imgur.com/gallery/building-resonance-free-subwoofers-dOTF3cS