Amplifier recommendation

I have acquire a Acurus A150 amplifier a few month ago that powered a few speakers. They are my DIY Dayton speakers( was my first speakers for a while), Paradigm Mini Monitor v3 and now the new acquire Triangle BR03. The Triangle sound amazing with the A150 but I want to try another amp with similar specs. The two I was interested is the Bryston 3B SST or the Coda Model 11. The preamp is a Rotel RC995 which has balanced output to as well as RCA.

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I owned Coda CSiB integrated and it’s an amazing amp. Built on the No.8 platform with essentially the 07 preamp built in. Amazing sound. Plenty of flexibility with 3 versions to choose from to match the speakers you own. My highest recommendation. If you decide to go the separates route, look into No.8 amp.

You should read Jeff Fritz’s articles on Sound Stage Ultra when he decided to revamp his system from a mega expensive to a fixed budget. While he was deciding on amps in the 20k - 40k range he got an old CODA Class A amp as a temporary placeholder amp. He was shocked at how good it sounded relative to the latest amps he was auditioning. I think it was the CODA 11.

There is a seller close to where I live that has a CODA 11 for sale. It has intrigued me for my $1000 Magnepan LRS+ speakers. My CODA #16 is incredible on the LRS+ but it is needed elsewhere.

Jeff's Getting a New Stereo System: Part Three (

The Ultra Jeff Fritz Reference System (


The  Coda 11 is indeed a discontinued model. I had one back in the late 90s, so you can see how old it is. It’s a great sounding amp, but I’d steer clear of one unless you want to do at least a recap on it.

Doug Dale with Coda could give you an estimate to re-cap it if you wanted it done by them (assuming they have time to do it now).  About a year ago, I was told $450 + shipping  to recap my older Continuum Stage.  It was still functional, but the tops of the caps were domed.  Doug could not say how long they would last, but they were on their way out.  I ended up trading my old amp in on a new Continuum No 8.