Best streamer, don't want Roon, don't want a screen, A DAC is OK but not necessary

budget = $4000

To be clear, a built-in DAC is fine, but not a necessity


+1 on Innuos. I have the Innuos Zenith mkiii which is an outstanding product. You should be able to pick purchase a used one with your budget.  

The new Aurelic S1 for $2 to $3k looks interesting, though it does not support fibre optic.

AURALiC introducing new S1 streamer, updated ALTAIR G2.2 and V10 softw - AURALIC

I would still get something from Sonore., who have many fibre streaming options.

Small Green Computer brings your entire music collection to life

The Lumin streamers are good. I had the $15k X1 but the much cheaper Sonore OpticalRendu was comparable. They sounded different and both were good. I kept the Sonore opticalRendu.