VU meters added to Cambridge Audio

Cambridge Audio recently added vu meters to certain newer products via firmware update. My 851n streamer is too old, but the EVO 75 I use in my television setup now can display vu meters. Very cool.  Here’s my question — what are they actually measuring. They don’t seem to respond to clime changes and continue to dance even if volume is down to zero.  Are they waiting input levels? For fun only?  Are all by meters like this during playback? (The last vu meters I had were on a real to real in the 70s.). I’ve submitted to CA as well, will update if they reply. 



Yes very cool on my Evo 150. It’s software based so I would expect movement based on digital sample values. I haven’t tried with analog inputs? For fun and aesthetics mostly I would say.

Meters are for aesthetics. I think it is more important to focus on the sound than the light show. They will not inform you of anything important. 

Eventually the dancing meters become a distraction you don't need. They can tell you when you are maxed out but a light will do the same thing.