In regard to my streaming philosophy. Streaming is a chain, chain starts at internet service, ends at dac. Start with provider, faster service better, I use 1gb. Modem next, even this matters, Broadcom chip important. Router next (this important for wired net provider, optical service doesn't apply), router directly next to audio system, running router long distance from system requires long ethernet cable which means either keeping costs down by using inferior cable, one could use high cost cable, solves that issue but you still have greater losses vs. running long coax cable to router located at system. The other issue with running router at distance from system, most running this router as full house router, means wifi enabled (noise), no lps, so then they choose audiophile switch to isolate noise from system. Issue is you've already lost on noise floor issue at router, switch can't bring back what's been lost further up the chain. I run router at system, wifi disabled, quality lps plugged in via high quality AC cable to my power conditioner, I use short run of quality ethernet cable to network isolation card (JCAT Netcard XE). Conditioning ethernet can pay dividends as well. This goes into streamer which is maximally silent via Enterprise level components in streamer, these provide low latency and low latency is what you're looking for in streamers, don't want signal lingering in noisy environment, quality power supply for streamer extremely important as well. Then I go really extreme with optical conversion, even transceivers and optical cable quality matters here. And then final link in chain, quality usb or I2S cable.
This all learned from direct experience with myriad streaming setups over many years. Treat each link in streaming chain with utmost care, then streaming can challenge any source for highest sound quality.