I was hoping you would catch that. Looks like Glennewdick has the inside line. I haven't used the KT77s yet but have used the KT-88s. I guess my favorite EL-34 is the Tesla. Quicksilver has some but don't know if they will sell them to non-Quicksilver customers.
@russ69 , I don't want to hijack the OP, but since I run a dozen EL34s in my Cary V12, I always paya attention to the EL34 threads. (Currently I am running my 3rd set, which are the reissued Tungsols that I bought from Jim McShane back sometime around 2020, and I like them, but when replacement time comes I am looking for something else).
Anyway, I did some quick googles, and now Tesla is a branch of JJ?