Anyone at home at Krell?

No one answers the phones, all the voice mailboxes are full, no one responds to emails. Anyone know what is going on?


emails bounce back not a good sign 

Never a good sign, but krell the name is a foundation product line 

so while we wait finances come first , I have empathy for the workers 

from design to shipping these are real people 

we the end user are always disposable be it like it or not. 
as a teenager I bought Lafayette stuff 

company is long gone but products remain 

heck I bought used the very first receiver I owned 

rehabbing it now. 
I built a bunch of halfler , echo and heath kit 

all gone but products still here. 
playing a ML no 26 pre to a Krell ksa200b 

to a set of Maggie’s 1.6r 

things do go on. 


My emails to Krell were not delivered.  It seems the domain name cannot be found.  This is not good news. Please see returned emails below:

“Your message wasn't delivered to because the domain couldn't be found. 

Your message wasn't delivered to because the domain couldn't be found”.


I debated awhile back sending my  old amp back to them for refurbishing. Had an RA number and everything. Luckily, I never quite got around to sending it back. I feel for those whose equipment Krell is now holding.