McIntosh MC312 vs. ARC Reference 150


I am very happy with my Mac MC312 power amp but the other day, on a whim (this darn hobby does that to you sometimes…) I purchased a used ARC Reference 150 (non-SE) tube amp. (The amp had the KT120 tubes replaced just 150 hrs ago.)

I am not planning to replace the Mac, but perhaps switch them in and out. (On a whim means I don’t really have a plan…)

Either way I am exited to receive it and though I’d ask this knowledgeable forum what I can expect in sound “signature” (for a lack of a better all-encompassing term) between the MC312 and the R150?

The rest of my system is a Rega P10 tt with Apheta 3 cart, a Simaudio MOON 310LP/320S phono stage/linear power supply, a PrimaLuna EVO 400 tube preamp, and GoldenEar Triton One.R speakers. 

Would love to tap into any thoughts you all have about these two amps and the difference I can expect. Thanks!

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@ghdprentice   The McIntosh is NOT bass heavy and very midrange.  Why do you sprout lies about McIntosh?

I admit I haven't listened to any Mac equipment lately but the older amps did have a darker presentation than ARC.

Your question is baffling to me.  The MC312 has autoformers between its outputs and the load, and the ARC has transformers like most tube amps, and with its higher output impedance will interact with the speaker more than the MC312.  Your speakers use internal amps for their woofers, so a voltage divider shunts low frequencies to ground.  With all this going on, you ask about sound signatures.  You are asking to have your expectations set in advance of the simple process of listening and forming your own opinion, free of preconceptions.  

To me McIntosh is a bit warmer and duller sounding than the ARC. 
In my experience ARC is bigger sounding than the McIntosh with more details and better soundstage. McIntosh gives you a nice overall picture but ARC digs deeper into the recording. Acoustic instruments is probably where you’ll hear it the most. Will take time to get used to new sound. My advice is, if you like the Ref150, get a matching ARC preamp. It’ll be another step up the sonic ladder.