It was the output tubes all along...

I think I finally reached the balanced sound I have been seeking for years.  I've had my VAC 200 IQ's monos for about 7 years.  When auditioning the amps I was comparing these to a similar priced Pass solid state amp.  I liked the bass of the Pass, but really liked the tube sound of the VACs.  The VAC's come stock with KT 88's which seemed a little tame to me at the time.  Mike at Suncoast Audio was incredibly generous with his time during this process and rolled some KT-120's and then finally the new KT-150's over the course of a couple of hours.  The KT-150s added the bass slam that was equal to the Pass but had the nice warmth of the tubes to boot.  Sold!  Kevin Hayes was great-switching out the KT-88's for the KT-150s when my units were manufactured.  This was my first big boy purchase-a move up from an older MacIntosh unit.  We moved a few times and 5years ago I was able to build a listening room with optimal dimensions in what will be our last house.  By this time Mike had been able to secure lightly used Magico S7 speakers for me and things sounded pretty good. I've sequentially added rugs to the wood floor, first reflection point GIK art work, and other acoustic treatmens.  The bass was a little prominent, so I added bass traps as well as The Swarm subwoofers.  Things sounded great.  Then I added the secret sauce-VAC Master preamp with phono.  I was stunned at the sound I was hearing.  I added Valhalla 2 interconnects and speaker cabling with further improvements.  However, I started to notice the bass had become somewhat intrusive on about 30% of my records (mostly classic rock, jazz, blues).  I paid extra attention at live events to see what proportion the bass occupied in a variety of musical events.  About this time I found several excellent discussions on tube rolling here on Audiogon.  I paid extra attention to the posts of @Mulveling as he has owned most of my current equipment and has lots of experience with different tube combinations.  I played with some NOS input tubes which further improved the sound stage and overall timbre, but the pesky bass persisted.  It got in my head big time.   I stopped listening to the music, rather focusing on where and when the bass would vie for sonic dominance.  I reread some of the tube articles where @Mulveling stated he didn't care for the sound of KT-150s and found the best sound was achieved with KT-120s. I talked to Kevin Hayes who prefers the KT-88s.  What to do?  At this time I was sure I needed a tube change, but not sure where to go. I spoke with Mike from Suncoast, who actually had come previously just for a listen.  He liked the bass, but suggested I try the KT-170's.  He said it was the best sounding and tight bass he had heard and a has a set up featuring them in his shop.  I polled this group, but there was no one with an opinion on the virtues of the KT-170 over the KT-150 tubes.  Sooo. I am now 400 hours in with the KT-170's.   The bass is spectacular! Fast and full and but balanced. Didn't lose the slam.  No more subterranean rumbles, either.  The sound stage is broad with good depth and instrument placement. The mids and highs are great.  I had one audiophile friend over for a 3 hour listen.  He had heard the system before the tube switch and had commented after prompting that he didn't like the bass sound at all and it wasn't 5 minutes in that he exclaimed that the sound "was perfect".  I am now hearing only music. Using the retrospectuscope, as my system incrementally became more revealing, the faults of the KT-150 slowly emerged.  I see no detriment to any aspect of my sound after making the switch to the 170s, only a much much better bass.  Hopefully this post can help inform others as to what to expect with the KT-170 tube, especially if they are running KT-150s. I did check with Kevin at VAC who indicated there was no conflict with this tube, as the parameters were similar to the KT-150, but this may not hold true for other systems-so please check if you decide to try the KT-170's.  However, it's still not clear what tube is actually the best for this system...


Tube amps are generally not the best choice for any speaker with a nominal impedance of only 4 ohms. Not only is the impedance a problem but also such speakers tend to be relatively inefficient. However it is not correct to say as a general principle that 1 ohm output Z is some sort of cutoff point. Mate that amplifier with an efficient 16 ohm speaker or even an 8 ohm speaker where the impedance at bass frequencies remains 8 ohms or higher, and the match can be superb.

@orthomead Awesome! Very interesting results, and that makes me interested to try some KT170 down the line. I’ve moved on from the 200iQs to a pair of Master 300 monos in the big system (Tannoy Canterbury GR), and Statement 450S (older, non-iQ) in the smaller system (Tannoy Glenair 10).

The Master 300 monos are 100% perfectly sonically balanced for my system & ears w/ KT88 Gold Lions. Phenomenal sound. Hard to imagine any improvement here. I’ve tried KT120 (sixteen !!), and there are things I like, but the old problem of overwhelming bass energy re-emerges, at least a bit. I briefly tried one 300 in stereo mode (w/ KT88), and it was a bit brighter & leaner in this mode - that might come out really nicely with KT120 (or KT150/KT170) in stereo mode! Haven’t tried that yet. The monos w/ KT88 are PERFECT.

The Statement 450S shows a huge change in sound from KT88 to KT120 - more than these other VAC amps (yes, I re-biased). I vastly prefer KT120 here, because the smaller speakers in this system benefit from the extra bass power. This may change when I upgrade & upsize the speakers here (very soon). That said, I heard this very same 450S (w/ KT88) on the massive Acora VRC’s (in a large room), and noticed a lot of the same things as I do on my "crappy" little Glenairs. The KT120’s add a lot of needed meat-on-the-bones. I’m sure the Acoras would’ve sounded much better this way, too. Incidentally, I really like the smaller Acora floor-standers (both of them). If I wasn't such a lifelong Tannoy fanatic it would probably be either Fynes or Acoras for me (I like Magico S series too!). 

On the technical front, these VAC’s at their max rated powers seem to exceed KT88’s specification of 42 Watts (plate dissipation) per tube. I know the power capabilities are driven more by PSU and output transformers, but there may still be some advantage to the extra headroom of larger KT tubes. I seem to like KT88’s relatively less as they go down in number - e.g. a single 200iQ in Stereo mode, at only 1 push-pull pair per channel.

As to the issue of tubes driving 4 ohms speakers - if anything, these VAC amps are optimized for driving 4 ohms like Magicos. They offer taps down to "2-4 ohms", and IIRC they only achieve full rated power into 4 ohms (my 8 ohm Tannoys are out of luck - e.g. the 200iQ monos only hit ~ 140 Watts here). Unless the impedance and phase curve is something completely ridiculous, it’s no problem for a VAC.

@peter_s I purchased my 170s from and had a good experience. 

@mijostyn I would like to try them again.  My initial audition was with the KT-88s and I found them to be somewhat anemic.  When I talked with Kevin about tube options, he was surprised on my take of the KT-88s and opined that perhaps they were past their prime.  I have a very open mind about trying them at some time.  In terms of the Swarm, I use the Dayton SA 1000 amp and bypass the internal crossover.  I spent a lot of time talking with Duke LeJeune about room placement and settings.  Low end isn't a problem in my estimation or others who have heard the system.  I'm sure there is room for improvement though. My crossover is set at 40.  I listen to vinyl predominately.  Nottingham Space Ace with platter upgrade and Van den Hul Crimson Stradivarius. I think this combo outperforms its weight.  Have order in for MSL ultra eminent x.  

@Lewm  I spoke with Kevin at VAC prior to the Magico purchase and he felt it was a good match.  I agree with him.  

@Mulveling.  I would try the KT 170s before the KT-150's.

@orthomead The KT 88s are more crystalline for lack of a better description. With proper subwoofers they will really sing. You have a fine turntable. Do you listen to any digital sources? By proper subwoofers I mean a subwoofer system that can be crossed at no lower than 80 hz and be able to put out a 20 Hz test tone at +10 dB from your loudest listening level  Duke has a fine system, but I am afraid it is a bit lost under S7s. Your VAC and the S7s will be A LOT happier if they do not have to deal with low bass. Separating the low bass out allows you to add the proper amount of gain to approximate the kind of bass you get at a live performance. Do you listen to any organ music? 

A system that is ruler flat in a residential room sounds awful. It will be way too bright and almost bassless. The right curve for this situation that most of us find ourselves in has 20 Hz at +10 dB over to 40 Hz at +10 dB then down to 0 dB at 100 Hz. I like a little 1 dB dip after that to 150 Hz, but that is personal preference. It makes the bass a little drier. From 100 Hz you go flat to 1000 Hz then start a slow taper to 20 kHz where you should be down between 6 and 12 dB. The louder you listen the more pronounced you want this. Every recording has a "right" volume, the volume it sounds best at. Too loud and it gets harsh. Too soft and it will be dull. 

If you have EQ capability you can force your S7s to do this, but the VAC will not like it at all. This is one of the two main reasons subwoofers are important. They are designed to make low bass and you can push them to the right volume without punishing the rest of your system. Even better is using a two way crossover to remove the low bass from the VAC and S7. The system will cleanly attain a realistic amplitude response at a volume that will make you feel as if you are at a live performance and I do not mean ear shattering either. To give you an idea, my speakers will not go as loud as your S7s. They sound bigger, but not louder. I use eight 12" drivers in four enclosures, each enclosure getting 2500 watts. Using fewer drivers would result in more distortion. Your Swarm has four 10" drivers. Two 10s equals one 12. Under a speaker that is capable of more output than mine you are using a subwoofer system 1/4 the size. 

Finances are an issue for most of us, myself included and Rome was not built in a day. You have a great start in the S7s, VAC amp and turntable. The Ultra Eminent is a super fine cartridge and the sweet spot in MSLs range. They are about to release the Signature Diamond for $15,000!  A good subwoofer system that matches your speakers will improve your sound quality eons more than a new cartridge. 

@mijostyn Thanks for taking the time and effort to help me improve my system.  I don't do any sound measurements, but it's clear that you have mastered the process. I actually believe everything you are saying.  Initially, I was entertaining purchasing the Magico subs until I saw the financial damage that would be incurred! What was presented primarily then by Mike was the Titan series.  The size and pricing for 2 units didn't make sense at that time.  More importantly, my overseer and CFO felt much more strongly than I did on that matter.  The swarm was an attempt to add something at a low level of risk.  I think I got my money's worth out of them, but I suspect you're right about them being underpowered for the S7's.  It would be great to be able to do an in house sub audition, but I don't think that's easily arranged.   We had an art dealer for a while who knew our house and interests verry verry well.  He would occasionally drop by to show us a piece.  He would do a quick walk through, rearrange some art and leave a space for the piece he brought over and told us just to "live with the piece" for a few weeks and see what we thought.   Oh, if I could only do that with subs.  The S series may be the ticket though. 

In answer to your questions, I have an old Sony SACD and Meridien cd player, but they are over 20 years old and don't see much play.  Meridien died and I don't see the benefit of a repair.  I should have Modrighted the Sony.  BTW, I have a TON of cd/sacds.  I don't have any organ music recordings, but I see where you are going with that. Thanks again for your suggestions.  You definitely got the sub gears whirring in my head.