Wilson Watt 3/Puppy 2 Loudspeaker

I was tempted by a highly discounted used pair of these, and I know JA gave it a very positive review. However, I’m curious about what Audiogoners who actually own them think. I’d appreciate it if you could share your insights.  Thx.




The WP3 would make a good mailbox if didn't have the angle. The first I heard was the WP6 and remember hearing the 8 and was impressed with the major advancement at the time. 

I had a pair of Cubs that I miss dearly, one of the best nearfields I've owned. What makes Wilson a legend is the way they tune their products and construction quality, matched components, etc. Lot's of opinions but speakers are perhaps the most subjective part of a sound system.

@OP At $3k, provided all the drivers are in perfect condition, they are a bargain. but you need to listen to them properly set up to see if they are for you. Forget about trying to use SET amps with them - they need an amp with a big psu and lots of current. You can never go by a speakers' efficiency numbers without relating it to its EPDR. Wilsons and B&Ws are two examples of nominally efficient speakers that do not work with low power/low current amplifiers.

JA's measurements indicate that the speaker and its designer were incompetent in 1991. I wouldn't touch it with a 20ft pole. Let it die and buy something newer.

@deep_333,  Dave Wilson was far from incompetent.  At the time, the Watt/puppy was one of the best high end speakers available.  You should be tarred and feathered for your insult to Dave Wilson.