Speaker Suggestions for Next Move

I'm considering moving on from my Klipsch Cornwall IVs.  I'm looking for suggestions on new loudspeakers in the $8-$15k range. Used is fine too.

Here's what you need to know (or what I think you should know):

  • Modifications:  I upgraded the crossovers and binding posts similar to the modifications made by Don Sachs (VCap ODAMs, Rike resistors, better wire/posts, and some internal damping).  I have them sitting on acoustically near inert 1.5" studio subwoofer platforms.  I feel I've juiced just about all I can out of them. 
  • Reasons for Changing.  They do not sound harsh or bright. I'm not thinking of moving on because of that. I'd like to get a bit more depth to the soundstage and more finesse in the overall presentation. 
  • Things I Have to Keep. 
  1. I need to have sizable scale in the presentation.  I have a good group of audiophile buddies and a friend who is a dealer.  I've heard so many high end offerings that don't really scale that well to me. I really like how you feel like you listened to live music or a studio--not a laboratory.  Sound doesn't shoot at you with laser focus, but rather it blooms, bathes and surrounds you. 
  2. Amp Friendly.  I have found the CWIVs to be very friendly with both SS and tube topologies.  Surprisingly, they can sound amazing with great quality SS. I have both types of pre/power amps to service speakers, but I'm not looking for speakers in this price range that need gobs and gobs of wattage.  I'd be happy to commit more so to SS if needed, but I'd like to stay way from very difficult loads.
  3. Placement.  I have a dedicated space and have leeway on placement. That said, I don't want to wrestle with a fickle speaker either. 

Side Note/Stuff I Don't Really Want to Discuss Here.  You can note this stuff all you want and chat with others about it in the thread (won't bother me at all), but I'm not going to engage on (a) Klipsch Heritage is garbage and awful sounding; Trust me though, I do see how Klipsch builds to a pricepoint and could easily better its offerings with better parts, bracing/dampening, etc.;  (b) modifications are dumb, wasteful, hurt resale, etc. I could care less about any of that. I'd prefer not to modify stuff--fyi;  (c) detailed discussions about amplification and sources. I have and have access to various topologies, manufacturers/brands, etc.  

Room:  A bit large for me, historically.  15.5' wide, 23' long, with 10' ceiling. Speakers will be placed along the short wall. 

Music Format:  Vinyl 50%, Digital 40%, CD 10%.

Genres: Pretty much you name it.  Jazz ~30%, Rock/Pop ~30%, Blues/Folk 30%; Classical ~10%. 

I'm curious to trying Fyne, Spatial Audio, Spendor (classic line in particular), Tannoy, Volti, Harbeth, PSB's flagship, Wharfedale's flagship, ATC, Vandersteen, Devore. Open to others. 

Thank you in advance!


You mentioned Vandersteen in your list and at the price point you're looking at with your room size, I'd recommend a pair of Quattro Wood CTs. They might press your budget a little bit but if what your looking for is imaging and depth they'll have it in spades. They are not too fiddly with set up, if you buy them from a reputable dealer then they'll usually come set them up. They have built in room tunable subs as well so bass management is not udally an issue. Also, since the bass is not in the picture for your amps, despite a sensitivity I the high 80s, they're really quite an easy load. They're not trendy or the newest greatest thing but what they are is excelle t loudspeakers. I've had mine for 8 years now and have no interest in upgrading unless I can go up their line to the Kento or maybe a used 5. I've changed every other component and with each upgrade the speakers just get better. 

I do like my aspen fr 30 all aspens are hard to find used but I did find a pair.they sound great.i run them with bhk 600 found it used as well.they do have a trade in program.check thier web site. I have some klipsch ps takes alot more watts.enjoy the hint.you can visit ps audio and listen 

@allenf1963 The thing is, I have rescued several systems this way, just by inserting one of these digital preamps. People do not realize how much their room and channel deviation interferes with a proper image and impulse response. I have never heard a system that could not be improved and in terms of satisfaction, it is off the charts. it is an easy recommendation because it works 100% of the time. 

The most important factor of all is not necessarily what speaker you chose--it's where you place it.  Suggest you use something close to the Cardas suggestion of placing speakers 1/3 of the room depth from the front wall, listening position at the 2/3 mark..  That will give you the depth and bloom you are after.

Take a look at Joseph Crowe Audio. Troy, the owner,  makes beautiful custom horns, several at your price point, and they sound magnificent. He is a well respected and his work has gotten great reviews. Two reviews that I can point to are Don Sachs and the ‘Jays Iyagi’ YouTube channel.