Power cord upgrade

I want to upgrade power cords for my streamer, Aurender A15 which currently has a Shunyata v14 digital.

And Puritan 156 which has the classic cord it comes with.

I believe in system synergy, so I am leaning towards Transparent, and/or Audioquest.

I have ARC ref5se with the Transparent Reference, and ref75se with the AQ Hurricane.

Guess my thought is the streamer and 156 PC are maybe a bottleneck. Won't know without trying, right? I am satisfied with the over all sound now, so looking for more of it. Make any sense??


I’d recommend a Transparent Reference. That is what I have on my system components with a Hurricane on my power amp.

@skids: I tried an AudioQuest Hurricane source, and a AQ Hurricane high current (along with various other AQ PCs) power cable in my audio system on different components, and after much trail and error, and out of all the AQ power cables I tried, I ended up using an AQ Hurricane high current PC on my AQ Niagara 3000 power conditioner only. I absolutely love the AQ Hurricane HC power cord on my power conditioner, which it will remain for the foreseeable future. As far as AudioQuest power cables are concerned, I found only their upper tier power cables to be to my liking, as I also use an AQ Firebird source power cable on my streaming DAC.  A totally phenomenal AQ Firebird source power cable, although very expensive, would work wonders on your streamer.  Otherwise, you’ll just have to keep on experimenting with different power cables until you find the right one. Happy listening.

I had a Anticables PC on my Aurender N150, I thought it was good, I use Anticables speaker wires and they blew away my Wireworld Equinox and Audience AU24...

But I use Acoustic Zen on everything else, interconnects are AZ Absolute etc, and I love Acoustic Zen Krakatoa power cords.. well I scored another Krakatoa and replaced the Anticables Power cord and it was like buying and new price is gear, totally opened up and smoothed out everything,  bass way more subterranean...



I know the Puritans take about two weeks to break in, but after five days of painful listening with terrible, etched highs, I had to swap out the cord for 20A Shunyata I had laying around. This quickly resolved that problem

Interesting. I just removed the ultimate cord and inserted the classic back into the PSM156 because I thought this comment was quite odd. I certainly don’t get any etched highs, if anything it is smoother and easier to listen to than the ultimate. Less resolved, less detail, less refined and not as nice sounding, but not terrible by any means. The worst part of the classic and the part I noticed the most was the bass was bloomy and very much uncontrolled with the classic vs. the ultimate. But I suppose the Shunyata is that much smoother by comparison? Which Shunyata cord is it?

@skids I wish I could try the Hurricane HC in the Puritan but it is not a C19.

Won't know without trying, right? I am satisfied with the over all sound now, so looking for more of it. Make any sense??

Yup, makes total sense. I feel the same about my system right now, leaves nothing to be desired, so I have a C19 Sigma V2 on the way to see if I prefer it over the Ultimate.  We are audiophiles, right? wink


@skids - My experience was a little different than Audphile1. I also have the Puritan 156 in my primary system which absolutely up-leveled the quality of my listening experience. I upgraded to their Ultimate Power cable and used it on the Puritan 156. In my system it was a definite improvement leading to deeper and more propulsive bass and more meat on the bones for the music.