Open baffle speakers

Open baffle speakers design is the simplest , to get bass response similar to other design , like ported, the baffle size must be huge to avoid low frequency degradations . Tipical size the baffle   width 10-20"  got weak  bass performance.   I am wondering how open baffle speakers design became so popular ?


I have the GR Research NX-Otica open baffles and their 2-driver OB sub.  Most of the people in our audio club rate them as among the best they have ever heard.

There’s certainly excellent bass.  Very tight and textured.

I ran various model Alon/Nola for years, certainly a different presentation vs box. Open baffle need to come out from front wall and likely need more absorption on that front wall vs. diffusion for box speakers. I actually preferred the way they imaged and did sound stage vs. box, more spaciousness around individual performers. Never could get used to the boxed speakers I used subsequent to the Alon/Nola, always sounded closed in to me. Now use horns which I prefer to the open baffle.


Listen to a friend's setup using Spatial's from time to time, still like the unique sound of these open baffles, perceive no great issues with bass.

I dont hear traditional close or ported boxes fan,  are they gonna sell Wilson

Tektone , Devore , ets and swich to OB design ?

I doubt owner of Wilson and Devore will sell them. I know one sold their Tekton below 3k plus for spatial speakers.

Open baffle sonic benefits do not surpass boxed speaker designs from engineers who know their stuff.

Open baffle is much easier/cheaper to design/build. Even incompetent dudes with an open baffle offering can claim they are good at designing speakers. On the same note, If someone’s getting greedy/ trying to overcharge you for it (could name a few), have a second thought about it.

They are a bit restrictive on your choice of subwoofer. But, inclusion/correct integration of subs is a necessity for openbaffle.

They are much more room/placement sensitive. If you have a bad room or restrictions for optimal placement (atleast 80+% of guys on audio forums), try and stay away from it.